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Medpace Voice

Category: Clinical Development

Clinical Development

How Rare Diseases Are Showing the Way Toward Precision Medicine – Part 1

  • December 19, 2017

In Part 1 of a 3 part blog series, we will explore how the heritability of neurological diseases and psychiatric diseases is changing the clinical…

Clinical Development

New Whitepaper: The Microbiome in Clinical Trials – Opportunities and Challenges

  • November 30, 2017

Medpace and Diversigen discuss the opportunities and challenges of the microbiome in clinical trials in a recently published whitepaper. You can access the whitepaper in…

Clinical Development

How to Avoid the Hidden Costs of Clinical Trials

  • November 16, 2017

The cost of conducting a clinical trial is indisputably expensive and time consuming. In this post, we present some practices that could help you execute…

Clinical Development

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Challenges in Clinical Research

  • October 30, 2017

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a specific type of muscular dystrophy characterized by muscle weakness and deterioration. DMD research comes with its fair share of…

Clinical Development

Spotlight on Mexico – Rich in clinical research capabilities and benefits

  • September 20, 2017

Mexico is quickly becoming a major player in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. It’s the number one exporter of medical devices in Latin America…

Clinical Development

How important is patient-centricity in rare disease studies?

  • September 6, 2017

Patient-centricity is becoming increasingly important in all areas, but particularly in rare diseases. In this post, Dr. Richard Scheyer discusses the importance of patient-centricity in…

Clinical Development

How to Leverage Research Networks to Accelerate Orphan Drug Development

  • August 7, 2017

In this post, Dr. Terence Eagleton highlights the growing interest in the development of products in the rare disease space, the unique challenges involved, and…

Clinical Development

Shortened Timelines for Regulatory Review by ANMAT Make Argentina an Excellent Choice for Clinical Research

  • July 27, 2017

Author: Wanda Dobrzanski M.D, Head of Clinical Operations Latin America, Medpace

On April 26th, The Ministry of Health in Argentina (ANMAT) issued a new regulation…

Clinical Development

Q&A with Dr. Brian Murphy, VP of Medical Affairs for Infectious Diseases

  • July 24, 2017

In this post, Dr. Brian Murphy, Vice President of Medical Affairs for Infectious Diseases, discusses the following topic: “Source Control Review in Clinical Trials of…

Clinical Development

The Promising Landscape of Microbiome-based Clinical Research

  • May 20, 2017

Recent discoveries have been made that have revealed the power of microbes to prevent, diagnose, and treat disease. As a result of these discoveries, clinical…